Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Moments that Take your Breath Away

Training in Pekiti-Tirsia the traditional way has neven been easy. Show me a Pekiti-Tirsia class who has relaxed training and I tell you now that it is not authentic. The first day alone gives the un-initiated blistered hands, heavy feet, sore muscles and shortness of breath among many others. I've even seen people use the stick for support like a walking cane. And there are even a few who never made it to the second day. With the art being available worldwide, it's sad to know that there are some posers out there who claim to be masters, but in reality, they re just masters of marketing... making the art a business. One should be very wary into entering a new class. Ask around if the instructor is indeed teaching the right stuff to his students. Most newbies usually gets blinded by flashy disarming moves, locks, and high flying acrobatics. But the truth is far from this. For all you know it, out there, you'd be dead in a blink of an eye before you can even begin your turning roundhouse kick. Given an encounter with 3 knife-wielding thugs while you do not have any available weapons, would you even have time to pull-off to disarm all 3 of them? This can be only seen in Hollywood.

Training should be taken seriously. One should not be only training during class but even during sleeping. You may not know that someone would attack you in your sleep. An attack usually comes when you least expect it. So always be alert and anticipate that someone will attack you. How you would react to this type of situation is part of the mental aspect of training. After picturing the attack going on in your head, practice the scenario and possible options by your lonesome or with a partner. This would get your prepared for the actual encounter.

Techniques are a dime a dozen in Pekiti-Tirsia. There is no set technique for a specific situation because there are no 2 exact same situations. This is the wonder of Pekiti-Tirsia because we are always evolving... adjusting ourselves to fit the situation, or rather, make the situation fit you. Make them fight your fight and not you fight theirs and you have won half the battle. Coming out alive is the other half. Hide, fight or flee are the most common options in a self-defense scenario, but when you are trained in Pekiti-Tirsia, it just becomes a part of your life. You won't panic when faced with these type of situations. The moments that take your breath away will awaken the sleeping warrior within and spark the fire within you and accomplish what should be done, Do or Die!

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